
Getting started with DecisionOps – Live Nextmv workshop

In this hands-on workshop designed for operations researchers (decision scientists), developers, and data scientists, participants will get a guided introduction to DecisionOps via the Nextmv platform.

OR-Tools, VROOM & Nextplot: Open source vehicle routing and visualization

Analyzing solutions and updating models can be tricky when you’re using new or multiple modeling tools and solvers. In this techtalk, we’ll demo Nextplot with two sample VRP apps to visualize model input, output, and more.

Optimization modeling with AMPL, Streamlit, and Nextmv: A stochastic facility location example

Create robust and interactive decision apps with AMPL as the optimization layer, Nextmv as the DecisionOps layer, and Streamlit as the UI and visualization layer. Learn how with a facility location example.

Link and test logistics models for demand forecasting, shift scheduling, and vehicle routing

Follow this step-by-step tutorial to go from a forecasted demand to optimized routes using OR-Tools, HiGHS, and Nextmv.

Getting started with DecisionOps for decision science models using Gurobi

Learn how to accelerate development of decision models that use Gurobi with tools for historical and online testing, run history, model management, and model collaboration.

Operationalizing Java-based OR-Tools decision models

Learn how to create a decision service with your Java OR-Tools model using Nextmv. Deploy an existing model or accelerate the development of a new Java model with testing, CI/CD, and more.