We’re thrilled to announce that the Nextmv Onfleet integration is generally available and ready for you to try!
Our integration is Onfleet certified and uses Nextmv as an optimization layer to create assignments for Onfleet – extending your ability to represent business logic and rules through additional constraints while providing useful testing and analysis capabilities to refine your routing operations.
Get started on Nextmv Cloud with a free account and trial the Nextmv Onfleet integration.
Who is the Nextmv Onfleet integration for?
This integration is designed for current Onfleet customers and any folks who are interested in using Nextmv’s route optimization with Onfleet’s platform. This simple API integration allows users to insert an extensible route optimization layer that works alongside the front-end dispatch and fleet management you need to run your business.
The Nextmv Onfleet integration empowers customers to address route optimization scenarios that account for:
- Transporting items that require specific transport conditions (like refrigeration) that can only be handled by certain vehicles in a fleet
- Weighting certain stops as more critical to visit than others
- Honoring driver contracts with maximum route lengths or time spent on road
- Preventing drivers from waiting more than a certain amount of time at stops
- Ensuring that certain stops are all on the same route, regardless of the order in which they’re serviced
- Including a list of preferred break locations for drivers
The integration also opens up valuable testing and analysis opportunities to answer questions such as:
- How long do I need to find the best route?
- How does one route compare to another?
- How many vehicles do I need in my fleet?
- Where do I put a new depot?
- How do I expand to new regions?
Let’s dive into how these scenarios are represented by specific features.
Which features does Nextmv offer?
Compatible features
Nextmv offers features that are compatible (or have a direct mapping to Onfleet) for both tasks and workers.
- For tasks, Nextmv offers features like dependencies, completeBefore/completeAfter, and serviceTime.
- For workers, Nextmv offers features like location, capacity, and activeTask.
See all compatible features in the docs
Extended features
Nextmv offers extended features (or additional constraints) for both tasks and workers. These features are added using metadata.
- For tasks, Nextmv offers features like penalties (unassigned, earliness, lateness), compatibility attributes, and maximum wait time.
- For workers, Nextmv offers features like route limits (maximum duration, maximum stops maximum distance), backlog, and alternate stops.
See all extended features in the docs
Looking for more customization options? Our SDK offering allows for complete customization of business rules, measures, value function, and more. If you’re interested in using the Nextmv Onfleet integration with our SDK, please reach out to our sales team to get started. Please note that the following sections of this blog post are centered around the cloud-to-cloud integration.
How does the Nextmv Onfleet integration work?
The Nextmv Onfleet integration is an API-based integration that pulls workers and tasks from Onfleet and runs them through the Nexmv solver.
Here’s how it works:
- Uses Onfleet’s API and the Nextmv Cloud API
- Fetches workers/tasks from Onfleet
- Transforms them into vehicles/stops for Nextmv
- Allows for the addition of metadata to extend functionality (optional)
- Runs the workers/tasks as vehicles/stops through the Nextmv solver
- Returns an Onfleet container (read-only)
This is a read-only integration, meaning that it does not automatically update Onfleet containers with the new assignments.
See the full process in the docs or watch a demo of the Nextmv Onfleet integration.
The diagram below outlines how Nextmv’s components interact with Onfleet’s.

How do I set up the integration?
For complete instructions, follow the docs. We’ll give a quick overview below.
Create a free Nextmv Cloud account or log into your existing account.

Open the Integrations page from the left-hand navigation.

Add the Onfleet integration feature.

Create a new Onfleet integration (using your Onfleet API key).

Create a new run profile (using the Onfleet integration you just created).

Next, follow instructions in the docs for creating a run.
Then check out your results on the map, analyze returned solutions, and more on the demo page in the console.

Get started for free
See the value of the Nextmv Onfleet integration in action. Create a free Nextmv Cloud account (or log into your existing account) and click “Free Trial” in the top navigation.
Have questions? We love to chat about all things optimization. Get in touch with our team!