
Getting started with DecisionOps for decision science models using Gurobi

Learn how to accelerate development of decision models that use Gurobi with tools for historical and online testing, run history, model management, and model collaboration.

Operationalizing Google OR-Tools models

Learn how to integrate a new or existing OR-Tools model into production systems using Nextmv and its infrastructure, testing capabilities, and collaboration features to create a repeatable workflow to production.

Assigning workers to shifts with the Nextmv Shift Scheduling app

With the Nextmv Shift Scheduling app, you can start automating shift scheduling decisions in minutes.

Deploying an OR-Tools model to production

Launch your OR-Tools model into production as a decision microservice with a simple copy/paste in Python using the Nextmv OR-Tools integration.

Determining decision model readiness using shadow tests and acceptance tests

How do you feel about the decision model updates you ship to production? Acceptance and shadow testing are two ways to gain confidence across model performance for business KPIs and stability indicators. We’ll show you how.

Order fulfillment and carrier selection experiment: Comparing handling costs

Test two order fulfillment algorithms that consider costs for distribution center handling costs and carrier selection. A new algorithm introduces a change to account for inventory capacity at a distribution center to increase efficiency and decrease food waste. How will costs change compared to the algorithm that does not?